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Faculty of Surgical Trainers

FST Committee

The Faculty of Surgical Trainers aims to support and nurture a diverse and inclusive community of surgical trainers. The Committee are responsible for driving forward the strategic development of the Faculty and supporting the future generation of surgeons.

Executive Committee


Alex Phillips

Surgical Director - Alex Phillips

Mr Alexander Phillips is a Consultant Oesophagogastric Surgeon, based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne. He has a background in medical education having completed a Masters in medical education and followed this up with an MD exploring clinical and surgical learning. He has a number of medical education roles, including the director of undergraduate surgery at Newcastle University, and deputy Programme Director for General Surgery in the Northeast of England.





James Tomlinson

Deputy Surgical Director - James Tomlinson

Mr James Tomlinson is a Consultant Spinal Surgeon at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. He is Educational TPD for T&O in Yorkshire and a member of the Orthopaedic Selection Design Group. He is a member of the RCSEd NOTSS faculty and has supervised a number of educational leadership fellows.




Pragnesh Bhatt

Deputy Surgical Director - Pragnesh Bhatt

Mr Pragnesh Bhatt qualified as a neurosurgeon in 1987 after training in India and the UK. Currently a consultant neurosurgeon at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, he has a particular interest in complex spinal surgery in both adults and children leading the multidisciplinary team for degenerative spinal conditions. An Honorary Senior Lecturer at NHS Grampian, Pragnesh also sits on the College’s Surgical Specialty Board in Neurosurgery and is a RCSEd Regional Surgical Advisor for the North of Scotland.




Shireen McKenzie

Honorary Secretary - Shireen McKenzie

Miss Shireen McKenzie is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and current Director of  Undergraduate Medical Education at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. She was previously the Co-Head of Year 3 of the MBChB and remains a Senior Lecturer with The University of Leeds. She is on the faculty for CCrISP and NOTSS and a member of the ASBGI editorial board. Prior to being appointed to the Executive Board of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers, she was on the advisory board. Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers and also a Fellow of the Academy of Higher Education. She has an interest in recruiting surgeons, especially at Undergraduate level and dispelling the "myths" that reduce recruitment of students of any gender, race and sexual orientation, into a career in surgery.


Stephen Jones

Honorary Treasurer - Stephen Jones

Mr Stephen Jones has been consultant ENT surgeon in Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee since 2006. His sub-specialty interests include otology and hearing implantation as well as his interests in teaching and training in surgery. He is also an Honorary Reader at the University of Dundee, one of the Deputy Directors of Medical Education for NHS Tayside, with responsibility for many of the surgical specialties and undergraduate teaching, Examiner, Assessor and Section 2 Lead for the FRCS (ORL-HNS), and member of the Surgical Specialty Board for Otolaryngology for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.



Tim GrahamHSET Rep - Timothy Graham

Professor Timothy Graham is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Senior Lecturer in Clinical Surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University of Birmingham and Royal Centre for Defence Medicine UK and a Civilian Consultant Cardiac Surgeon to the British Army. He’s a joint founder of the National Birmingham Review course in Cardiothoracic surgery and the National Birmingham Professional Development Course. He’s also a joint founder and convenor of the Asian Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Update Course (ACSSUC). Received Honorary Fellowship of Indian Association of Cardiothoracic and Vascular surgeons in 2011 and Distinguished Surgeon Award from Academy of Medicine Singapore in 2013.





System Disruptions: 19th August 2017

Due to essential systems maintenance and upgrades there will be interruptions to some on-line services on Saturday 19th of August.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
